Getting Started


The repository is primarily built around Docker. Though it is possible to run the Flask application on it’s own after installing all necessary requirements, runnin the environment in Docker is recommended.

Basic Requirements:

  • Docker

  • Docker-Compose (automatically installed if you are using Docker for Windows)

  • Git

  • Internet Access for the Setup


Cloning the repository

Clone the repository from Gitlab.

via SSH

git clone


git clone

Switch to directory

cd collabcurry

Example Config

Copy the example config from /setup/_examples/default to /setup.

Linux / MacOSX

cp -r setup/_examples/. setup/


cp setup\_examples\* setup\

Edit the files as necessary.

See chapter Introduction to Rules for further documentation on rules and actions.

See chapter Environment for information about environment variables.

Build and start Docker Containers

Use Docker Compose to build and start the containers. “–parallel” is optional but faster on multi-core hosts.

docker-compose -f production.yml build --parallel
docker-compose -f production.yml up -d

The container running the Flask application is mapping the /rules directory to read the rules files. This allows for subsequent changes to the rules files during runtime.

Attach to the main container for logging purposes.

docker logs -f collabcurry_curri_prod_1

Configure Cisco UCM ECC Profile

The URL for Cisco UCMs ECC Profile configuration is:

http://[collabcurry ip]:80/ecc/request


The port ‘:80’ is mandatory. Without, CUCM will not parse the url correctly.